We've been working hard, learning a lot and having a lot of fun so far in 2017-2018

Making associations, creating our own pictogram, making jigsaws and lovely, messy Science experiments.

Learning is FUN!

We've been busy learning about the Solar System.

Happy Valentines Day

‪Snowy choir or trying to catch a few snowflakes. 

Who knows? 

Some of the cast of our 'SQUASH and a Squeeze'. 

Finding out how people got their water years ago.

A Trip to Eglish Abbey

Ice-cream at School

How lucky are we? As part of the Erasmus celebrations an ice-cream van came right into the school yard. We could hardly believe our eyes. 

Look how we can make patterns 

Learning about pattern helps us to develop logical thinking. This will help us in many subjects, including Maths.

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Check out our favourite books this term!

We were also very excited to see the library van roll into the Eglish school yard. We filed on, up the steps, through the sliding door, into a vehicle filled with books. WOW!

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Samba Drumming

We are busy learning to create rhythms with Samba Drums which are on loan to the school. We love making noise. The teachers love it too (Sort of!)

Spring is here!

We have been enjoying watching the chicks in the Senior Room hatch and grow. 

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We love puzzles.

Look at all we are learning when we make a puzzle

  • Physical skills -- from holding puzzle pieces and turning them until they fit
  • Cognitive skills -- as they solve the problems of a puzzle
  • Emotional skills -- they learn patience and are rewarded when they complete the puzzle

.Doing a puzzle with a friend or family member also allows for the growth of social skills as they work together and communicate about what fits where. (Teach.com)

Make a puzzle, watch your child grow!

Playdough Creations

Dress the children for the cold weather.

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Guzzler - The Energy Monster

Will from Brigid's Garden came to chat to us about how we can save energy.

Road Safety Authority Talk

Catherine from the RSA came to talk to us about seating in booster seats under we are 4 FT 11". We learned to always hold hands with an adult when crossing the road. 


We have been working on making patterns with pegs and stickers and in our maths books.

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Sorting / Matching

We have been learning to sort out sets. Check out the pictures below.

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Favourite Books

These are some of our favourite books to read in the Junior Room. Reading is great fun.

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