'Réalt' Award recipients 2017, Chloe Martin ('Leading Light') and Philip Fitzgerald ('Flickering Flame') were presented with their awards by Pat Mongan, elite Irish International boxer and local 'sports hero'.  Maria Martin received the 'Tiny Twinkle' Award.  Pat inspired our students by advising them to "set a goal" and when they achieve that goal, to "set another goal".


Every month we reward the Active Star of the Month certificate, one per classroom. We also reward Dalta na Míosa and Gaelgeoir na Míosa. Weekly, we reward Marvellous Manners and Outstanding Effort.

Throughout the year we frequently draw attention to and praise specific positive behaviours we want all of our students to copy and form as a habit. These behaviours we call 'Réalt' behaviours. At the Graduation ceremony, we present trophies to the student in each class who has demonstrated these behaviours most regularly throughout the year, exemplifying excellent leadership skills. These extra special awards are called

Junior Room: Tiny Twinkle Award

Middle Room: Flickering Flame Award

Senior Room: Leading Light Award

Recipients (those who excelled in 'Réalt' Behaviours) of our Tiny Twinkle, Flickering Flame and Leading Light awards 2013

with Christine Kelly, Special Olympics Gold Medal recipient for Ireland

"A great leader knows the way, goes the way and shows the way" 

Well Done!!

What are our 'réalt' behaviours? 

Réalt Behaviours:

1.Offering to help another in difficulty, including teachers and other adults.

2.Pointing out another’s good qualities to him or her and / or  to others and praising another

3.Deliberately including an individual who may be alone in your games or activities

4.Standing up for an individual if you see or hear others treat him or her badly

5.Do or say something to celebrate people’s difference.

6.Helping to create a happy atmosphere in class.

7.Tidy up each evening without being asked.

8.Smiling to help brighten someone else’s day.

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From time to time, extra special prizes are awarded for behaviours by our students, usually unprompted that show an exceptional example to others.  These are called: 


Here are some of the recipients to date: