Some recent experiments
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.
Why does a candle go out when
you cover it with a glass?
Where in the school do
bulbs grow best?
Making our own play dough!
Winter Science!
What is blubber?
What does blubber feel like?
We Love Nature
Eglish Ns is keen to promote a love of nature and thanks to Mr O Leocháin we hatched chicks and butterflies, hosted some ducklings and met our very own SIONNACH NA hEAGLAISE.
Eglish Investigates
As part of the Discover Primary Science programme the pupils of the Junior and Middle Room conducted a number of investigations. These included
- Which is heavier? Oil or Water
- Which slide makes the car go furthest - bubblewrap, tinfoil, carpet or timber?
- Can you make a boat out of plasticine to hold up 10 lego pieces?
Some memories from 'Mad Scientists' Day' which we hosted in June 2015 and 2016 to celebrate receiving the Discovery Primary Science Award for excellence in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects. The majority of our students brought in their own creations, we all dressed up and performed experiments galore throughout the day. We even had an exploding volcano thanks to Laura!!