A number of students from the Senior Room of Eglish Ns proudly travelled to The Arc Cultural Centre in Temple Bar in Dublin on May 31st 2016 to receive a well-deserved Creative Schools Award, presented by Síle Seoige, for their project 'From Script to Stage'. The project which encompassed a number of month's work saw the students create, produce and preform an innovative and creative story commemorating the events of 1916 with a modern twist. The characters from 1916, victims of foul weather, time travel to the present day for a funny, thought provoking spell in the jungle of 'I'm a Celebrity. Get me out of here'. The drama the students wrote and produced as Gaeilge was staged as part of the school's award winning Scoil Dramaíocht entry. A blog about the creative process can be found at www.eglishnationalschool.blogspot.com. We couldn't be prouder of our students for their creativity and persistence.
Well done