The teaching staff of
This weekly staff briefing promotes good communication between staff members
and allows for exchanges of information and opinions.
However, this policy outlines current practice in relation to Formal meetings,
which take place less often, but are of equal value.
It aims to ensure that meetings are effective and use time well, that procedures are widely known
and that meetings ultimately improve teaching and learning.
For formal, whole-staff meetings, the following will apply:
Preparing Agendas:
The Principal is responsible for organising and convening staff meetings. A draft agenda circulated by the Principal, submissions invited and final agenda circulated. Attendance at meetings is recorded. Outside speakers may be invited to address meeting.
Who attends Meetings?
Permanent teachers, temporary teachers and long-term substitute teachers are entitled to attend. In shared situations, when meetings clash, teacher(s) involved generally attend meetings with base school. All Special Needs Assistants attend for relevant issues.
Conducting Meetings:
Circulate staff at the beginning of the school year to ascertain how many teachers would be interested in chairing meetings and keeping minutes. Minute all meetings. Meetings should start and finish on time. Mobile phones should be switched off.
Frequency of Meetings:
At least once a term, or as deemed necessary. In line with DES circular 14/04, at least one staff meeting per term will have equal time inside and outside of school hours. The school will liaise with local schools prior to setting the dates of meetings.
School Development Planning:
Attended by all teaching staff, permanent, temporary and long-term substitutes.
- SNA’s attend where relevant topics are to be discussed.
- Particular areas chaired by Curriculum Co-ordinators.
- Secretary rotates as per staff meetings.
- Frequency as per DES guidelines.
Subcommittee meetings:
Attended by members of teaching staff, permanent, temporary and long-term substitutes and SNA’s.
- Convened and chaired by two co-ordinators.
- Secretary rotates at each meeting.
- It is school policy that all staff are included in at least on subcommittee.
- These meeting occur as and where necessary between planning days at times agreed by all.
Meeting of Ancillary Staff:
Co-ordinated on group/individual basis by Principal/Deputy Principal.
- Principal/Deputy Principal/Post Holder chairs and records.
- Meetings occur at least once per term or as deemed necessary.
Meetings of SEN Teams:
Co-ordinated by Principal/Deputy Principal/Post Holder.
- Frequency at least once per term at a time agreed by all.
- Agenda – based on feedback from mainstream teachers, support teachers, ancillary staff and parents. Is the system we have in place working to best effect?
Parent/Teacher Meetings:
In line with terms of circular 14/04 – formal, once a year.
- Co-ordination of times where there are siblings attending school/team teaching.
- Meetings take place in classrooms/support rooms.
- Guidelines re meetings known by all teaching staff.
- Follow up to meetings is written (mid-term report) which may lead to further liaison.
- All pupils receive an end of school year written report.
- Parents given opportunity to re-schedule unsuitable times.
We operate from a base of consultation and teamwork. Atmosphere of mutual respect, courtesy and approachability cultured.
To avoid disruption to teaching and learning, meetings should be by appointment, that arrangements can be made.
Meetings can be one-on-one or team based.
Other Home school Links:
We utilise the following to allow maximum feedback from home to school and vice versa.
- Regular newsletters.
- School magazine/homework journals.
- Evening meetings e.g. Parent Council, Shared Reading Programme, information re sacraments, curricular and extra-curricular activities etc.
- Parents/guardians invited to attend ceremonies and celebrations throughout the year.
Outside agencies:
By appointment. All relevant staff attends.
All members of the school community have a right and responsibility to use the communications system in place.